This Saturday night you need  to move your clocks BACKWARD an hour for Daylight Savings Time.

While you are moving your clocks back, check all of the batteries on your

as well as your 

Approximately every 10 years or so, you should trade out your Fire Communicators for newer ones.

You also might want to consider upgrading from the typical ionization detector to a photoelectric one or a combination of both.

Here is the difference  

IONIZATION: Monitors "ions," or electrically charged particles. Smoke particles entering the sensing chamber change the electrical balance of the air. The detector's horn will sound when the change in electrical balance reaches a preset level. Ionization detectors are designed to sense superheated gases of flaming fires in their earliest stages. 

Ionization detectors are inexpensive, but are very sensitive to most types of airborne particles, making them prone to nuisance alarms. And ionization detectors are not effective in sensing smoldering, smoking fires.

PHOTOELECTRIC: Its sensing chamber uses a beam of light and a light sensor. Smoke particles entering the chamber change the amount of light that reaches the light sensor. The detector sounds when the smoke density reaches a preset level.
Photoelectric devices detect smoldering fires before they reach a flaming condition. They can also sense the smoke from a flaming fire. 

Choose wisely!